City of Dell
The City of Dell received Rural Services Block Grant funds to renovate their fire station, also, they were awarded $15,000 to purchase a new pumper truck.
Northeast Benton County (NEBCO)
NEBCO received $15,000 in Rural Community Grant funds to purchase a new tanker. Also, they were awarded just over $4,000 to buy rescue and stabilization equipment.
Western Greene County Fire District
The Western Greene County Fire District received 15,000 in Rural Community Grant funds to construct a four bay fire station. Also, they were awarded around $4,000 to build new restrooms in their new firehouse.
Cave City
Cave City received around $10,000 in Rural Community Grant funds to purchase and install storm sirens. Cave City also put up $10,000 to complete the project.
City of Oxford
The City of Oxford received around $11,000 in Rural Community Grant funds towards the purchase of new playground equipment for the City Park.
City of Provo
The City of Provo received around $1,500 in Rural Community Grant funds towards the purchase of their Community Center pavilion and picnic tables.
Charleston Middle School
The Charleston School District received around $3,500 in Wildlife Conservation Education Grant funds to help their 6th graders attend the Arkansas Outdoor School.
City of Hatfield
The City of Hatfield received around $6,300 in Rural Community Grant funds to pave two handicapped spaces and a portion of the City Park walking trail.
Marion County
The Marion County Library received around $4,700 in Rural Community Grant funds towards the purchase of equipment/technology to initiate an outreach program to public and private facilities around the County. Also, they were previously awarded around $3,800 to renovate the bathrooms to be ADA compliant.